Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Younger than I'll be

Happy Birthday to me!
Yep, it really is.

From the Nikki McClure book that Lindsay gave me ~
"living life where our hands matter"

As we went for an early walk in the crisp Wyoming air, I dropped behind my mom and Presley. I watched them. Two ladies that matter to me. I realized that I am able to give, to nurture and to love that little one, all of my little ones, because that wise one's hands did all that for me. Ripple. Rippling on in a big way.

"Be conscious and hold on as we spin around the sun one more time."


Toners said...

I love watching my mom with my daughter... makes me feel like the middle of a beautiful, blessed circle :)

Mama's Place said...

Loved your have a beautiful mother.

joanna said...

Happy Birthday Cathy!!
You are wonderful and I love you!!

diane said...

Happy birthday, you amazing woman!
What a beautiful image to see Grandma Margaret and Presley walking together - the magic of a great-grandmother has always seemed beautifully surreal to me. You are lucky that your family has been able to experience that magic for 2 generations.

Jade said...

i was so happy to celebrate your day yesterday, with you! and so Happy you were born! I love you!

Steen said...

You're one of the coolest people I know.
Don't forget about me these days

naturaljoy said...

Happy Birthday to you!