1. I like my hair. I can do about anything I want with it, wavy or straight. It's thick but not too unruly.
2. My eyelashes. They used to be thicker and longer, I'm pretty sure anyway, but a little mascara and we're good.
3. My strong hands. They look like my dad's hands, a bit on the stubby side but I think my soul manifests through my hands.
4. My pancreas. I made it really sick and I'm sorry about that. It's still sputtering and so I'm taking this opportunity to publicly say "I appreciate your patience and beg you to stay."
5. I really like my Mission Playground sweatshirt. It says "Patience Achieves More Than Force". Nice little mantra. Thanks Linny Baby for the nudge to look for the good part. I didn't expect this to quite so emotional.