and that usually means a little break for me, time to browse around. I got sooo LUCKY today!
I found this beautiful book.
~ Thayu nyumba ~
Peace, my people.

A black licorice candy bar,
some crackers that I bought simply for the sweet packaging
and these new IZZE esque drinks.
I had to give up my fave, the regular IZZEs
but these 15 carb bevs are pretty and tasty enough.

Thank you Shari and Matt for making it possible.
My girls were really getting tired of hearing me talk about it,
checking it out every time we went shopping
and calling them to see if I should get it or not.
Today I brought it home!

definitely not Pike's,
but if I closed my eyes and worked my imagination,
this guy was Marvin Gaye.
His "Let's Get It On" was really good.
I gave him a generous contribution,
we made eye contact, I waved, smiled and moved happily on.

We got the batiks we'd had our eyes on. I love mine.
I was drawn to this one because of the babies
wrapped on their mama's backs and hips.
One light, one sun
One world turning
One dream, one song
One love, one heart
One hope, one joy
. . .'neath the cover of October skies
Hopefully, I'll be in this picture by October 2010.
I'm getting impatient.
and hopefully you make it out alive. mom im kidding... haha. i like your grateful posts. you are so funny. and sweet, and i made kody pull over once to give a homeless man on the side of the road a dollar. even though i knew it wasnt going to go somewhere good. i felt good to give. hey thanks for letting me steal your car to cruise the town. i lovvvve it.
Love your gratefuls.
Will we get more info on Africa? I want to know more....
So nice. You got the shirt!!! It was yours all along. Send me a picture with you wearing it.
The book looks nice too.
yippee...you got your shirt...
oh...the lucky store...
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