Ahh, Sunday morning. This is the very first time since Mexico that I've had unscheduled, slow moving time. Time to think, ponder, sort and simply Be. I find myself full to the brim with gratitude. There are many big things that bless my life. Today it is the little things that cause me to smile.

I love doing home visits. I could do prenatals in my house or at the Sugar House office. There is no question. The visits to the homes of my home birth families are the highlight of my work. Me, Li'l Red, good music and sometimes an apprentice, hit the road in the early morning and come home happily tired as night falls. This beautiful basket of pears was a gift from the Palmer's on Wednesday evening. On Thursday, the pears sustained me and Liz as we traveled the valley. Sometimes it's food, sometimes it's a special preparation like home made iron syrup, sometimes it's drawings by the children. Always, it is the knowledge that I am standing in the space that will soon be sanctified by the birth of a baby.
I give so much thanks for my birth families and their homes.
My soft cotton Sundance night shirt, I love it and am thankful for this simple pleasure.
This is what I wear when I want to feel like a lovely girl. When I intentionally (as opposed to falling asleep in my clothes on a couch) climb in my comfy bed and head for Zzzzzzz land.
Luxury. I am grateful for the very rare mornings when I don't have to get up early. This is what staying in bed for a lot longer than is virtuous looks like. I put on my glasses, open the laptop and Pinterest the morning away. I used to read the morning newspaper. Now I Pin. I'm much happier this way
I am grateful for casual, no worries, no stress moments like this.
Early morning sand, linen pants pooling around my feet and chipped red nail polish. Something about this combination makes me smile.
I am grateful for meeting this place,
at the end of a magical pier on the powerful ocean.
The smiling people, the full moon, the taste of salt, the sound of ships and seals, following my heart. . .
A little vacation extension